Wednesday, May 3, 2017

6 months with a lab puppy

We did it! Survived 6 months with little Murphy. I am guessing is at the 50 lb mark -so not little.
 The good news is, I cannot remember the last time he had an accident in the house. Well- I can, it was the day we brought him home from his first time being kenneled, he was probably really excited/scared/nervous and we didn't think to make him pee before coming inside, so he peed on our brand new outdoor rug I had just purchased at Ikea. But if that had not been so memorable, I really proclaim him to be house trained.
 He loves playing with an empty jug. Although they don't last him but 5 minutes, I used to get an hour of occupation. Here he stuck his front paw through the handle and was quite annoyed.
 Emily loves for me to have Murphy wake her up on her band mornings (the only day she has to truly be out of bed at a specific time)
 Murphy enjoying my post run glass of water. Go ahead, help yourself. 
 Biggest downfall is his constant table and counter surfing. He loves to jump up on all surfaces and grab anything that is available. I cannot wait to get this fixed. My best bet is to keep everything cleared and out of reach for a year or so until this phase passes and he gets zero gratification. 

 He is very smart. When we consistently work with him he remembers and picks up our commands well.  He can sit, speak, lie down 90% of the time. We are working on leave it and stay. He walks on a leash fairly well for Robert and I - when we are walking solo. Forget about it if we are trying for a family walk. If one of the kids is slightly in front or behind, or on some sort of wheels, it is chaos! He wants in on all the action and can't decide who he should walk to the left of.
 Happy Half Birthday Murphy!

He is still confined to the Lego free, cord free, nerf ball free side of the house. We are very tired of the gates and occasionally try giving him full reign, but her goes straight for "something" and puts it in his chompers. After the kids go to bed Robert and I will sometimes allow him to watch a show with us. Hopefully I can dedicate a day or two when we are done with school and following him around yelling no and get it sorted out so he can start living with us in the whole house!

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