Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November 2020 Pandemic edition

Noelle and I discovered a treasure in the pond down the road while walking Murphy and feeding the fish
We came back with proper tools to go bike fishing, aka our tree trimmer
One bike later
A very proud fisherwoman, also she really wouldn't believe Robert and I that this bike was likely stolen, joy ridden and ditched in the pond. The front wheel was off the axel and it had proof that it had been in water some time. She was adamant about hauling it home, cleaning it and making signs. I think it might still be in the back of Robert's truck.  
I voted, day of. Robert ended up going to Neveda to vote a couple days early as he had a last minute trip. I arrived 10 minutes before opening and waited in the cold with about 30 others. 
I had to snap a picture of one poll working in this painting suit get-up. I am thankful people volunteer for this job, it was a long day for them.
This was our last walk with Scout for November. His owners are back to working at home while the pandemic surges in Iowa again. Scout is getting older (12) so I always say goodbye just in case.
We celebrated Murphy's birthday by buying him a football. He is completely smitten with it and clearly bored with us. 
Noelle got to see a friend for the first time since March! Thankful for a 70 degree day in November.
We flew to Denver. Ironically the kids and I have flown 2x during this Covid-19 era. We haven't totaled it yet, but Robert guesses he has flown/traveled more this year than the last several, he has found it to be very safe and clean! Likely more clean that it ever was. He also gets tested and is very cautious around GPA!
Em was looking so cute and studious sitting next to me on the plane with her Nalgene and Hamlet -reading material. We boarded first on the flight out as we were assigned the first row, so the entire plane walked past her commenting on her Shakespeare. (it was for school)

We removed the ceiling fan from the living room, had an electrician come and add additional recessed lighting and then a drywall guy came at patched us up. I like it. The boys were pretty concerned about losing the fan, but now they can throw the football across the LR instead of parallel with it.
We sprouted this avocado seed in March. I have tried and failed/given up on sprouting an avocado many times. I think in the last house I didn't have enough counters space and eventually just tossed the moldy pit as I was tired of looking at it. Many people ended up with Covid pets, maybe I will end up with guacamole I can give to my grandkids someday.
I finally wised up and paid Emily to teach Dallas the 47 countries of Europe. He gets a Lego set valued $20 if he tried hard and listened to her, she gets $0.50/country he gets correct. They had to push it all into one week since we were in Colorado and slacked off. Results are pending. - Also- this is a homeschool or any parents dream picture. It wasn't all rosey.

We put another car to bed for the winter.
We are getting "production" Magic Tee's shipped to the house, it is all amazing, and real. So very proud of Robert and all the hard work he has put into this project. 
Emily made the Pioneer Woman's tomato soup with sherry, and it was delicious on day two even without the grilled cheese. Everyone will eat it, but I think only Em and I appreciate good soup.
The beginnings of Christmas in November. Not super early for us, but 2020!

 Documenting the pulling of the last baby tooth. 
I predict Noelle and Dallas having  braces at the same time!

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