Wednesday, December 30, 2020

"Sugarplum Celebration" 2020 aka, fake Nutcracker

 Because of a series of Covid-19 cancelations, new opportunities arose, like participating in "Sugarplum Celebration." Noelle has wanted to try out for the Nutcracker the last several years, the first being the Fall she broke her leg. After not being able to participate the last 3 years years, this seemed to be the year. But the CY Stephens canceled the event. Robert Thomas studio retooled, called it the Sugarplum Celebration, found a different venue and only allowed RT dancers to participate  ( I am sure to enable contact tracing), anyone who auditions and is enrolled in any studio can be in the Nutcracker. 

Noelle auditioned for one dance. She attended rehersals every Saturday from mid-September to December.

Her group was multi-aged and danced to "Linus and Lucy" and was entitled Skating Dreams.

This was 1/3 of her class taking their final bows, others in her section bowed with other groups. 

I am so glad we got to have this one very Christmassy event, in a year in which lots of things were canceled. 

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