Tuesday, December 1, 2020

October 2020 Pandemic edition

Took these sweet girls to Clouds for a fancy coffee and a moment to just be teens (not at school)
Robert and Dallas headed to the first Cyclone game of the season (that fans were allowed to attend)

Cyclones won!
Dallas and his sixth grade "Threads Connections" class getting some sun and fresh air during lunch
The only thing enjoyable about our library being grab and go only is the kits that are now grab and go. In normal times you would have to be at the library at a certain activity time to get to experience this fun. I pick up the teen or child bag every time I grab our books. It's been great to pull these out when we are bored. Owl pellets, tie dye a mask, paint a canvas, break open a geode, Legos, solar system, make slime, sew a puppet, its like having my own tax payer STEAM kit.
Lamenting math
Dropping off at dance
Em was hired by a local Orchard to make some pies to sell by the slice for their festival weekend. It happened to be her Fall break week so she made 40 pies.
We hosted the end of the year celebration for Dallas football team in our backyard. One of the coaches showed up directly after work and was packing! It was fun to see half of the boys realize he was a police officer!
Possibly the one thing Emily was looking forward to at Ames High was marching band. Like every little thing this year it was "weird". She went to a normal looking band camp in August. When school didn't start in person they practiced at home. School went back to hybrid so she went back to before school rehearsals, it was deemed by the CIML conference that bands couldn't march. Ames offered the seniors to play in a pep band at home games. It was rescheduled twice and moved from the gym to the stadium but we got to see the Band Extravaganza. It was neat, I am glad they put the effort into the event. I wish it could have been all 400 students instead of the 150, but we will take it!
Two masks, one for the player, one for the horn
Also, during hybrid in person, concert band - the small group of 18 she is rehearsing with gets up halfway through the period and switches rooms for "air quality". Just documenting this here in case we think it is silly in 20 years.
Dallas and Noelle completed an Upward season. It was perfect!
So thankful.

Bonus, they had seventh players play this year. What a special gift to get to play with Cole one more time.
My sister celebrated her Covid birthday by renting theater to watch Hocus Pocus.
None of my family had seen it all the way through before. It was good to have theater popcorn again.
Noelle spent her own money on a donut pan
We went to cheer on Em's good friend at a VB match. Those sure have changed since my junior high days. The shorts are tiny and they play to 25 points now.
My workout gals had a fun run around Ada Hayden with a coffee klatch afterwards. It was wonderfully social.
I dug out a 24 year old sweatshirt to wear again
We purchased, prayed and packed bags for three Haiti kids to receive on Christmas
The beginnings of ceiling fan removal and new recessed lights.


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