Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the sick house

Dallas has not been sleeping well, worse than normal (he is not a good sleeper anyway). Which leads me to this: Em and Dallas have been sick most of the month of April, passing colds back and forth, the occasional fever, but I didn't think much of it, kids get colds.

Which lead to a parent meeting of the minds and we decided we were going to try CIO to see if Dallas could learn to soothe himself to sleep. I thought last minute I would take him into the Dr. just to see if he could possibly have an Ear infection before we start the CIO.

Monday morning calling the Peds. office to get an appointment = 2 hours of trying to get through on the line
Appointment scheduled for 11:00 am, check in at 10:52 = see doctor at 12:11 pm
Number of times used hand sanitizer in waiting room = 6
Number of people who sat by us and then moved after witnessing Dallas cough constantly = 4
Learn about ear infection and bronchitis
Learn how to use a nebulizer
Drive to HyVee Drug Town, get scripts = 15 minutes
Let Emily push the kiddo cart around the store, buy battery for smoke detector
Home = 12:46 pm

Oh yeah, Dallas at almost 5 months weighs what Emily did at 12 months, how can that be?

Now I wonder if Emily has the same thing, I should have had her checked as well!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How sad. Little Dallas on a nebulizer. Stinkers!!

By the way, what's CIO? I should probably know that.