Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We have some sickies in the house. Dallas has a little bit of pneumonia and Emily has a croupy cough at night and a runny nose during the day. Dallas is on a host of steroids for his wheezy, tight chest and antibiotic for his infection and ears. We rented another neubulizer machine to do the treatments. This is where I need help, it is a whole different situation since the last time he was on breathing treatments. He is 24 lb of toddler that becomes the worlds strongest man when the time comes around every four hours to breath through "bubbles the fish". Is there any easier way. I kind of restrain his legs in my legs, and do the best I can with keeping his arms and head where I need them to be, but it is almost impossible, I feel like he might not be ending up with any of it in his lungs. Plus we/he inevitable spills the medicine a minute into the treatment when a wild hand gets loose. He doesn't watch TV yet so I can't distract him that way. I would love any suggestions. It is a little easier when Rob is around, meaning, there is more hands to restrain. But I still end up doing it by myself 3-4 times a day. HELP!


Sarah said...

We had the same problem. We would turn on 5 minutes of Thomas or Baby Einstein to distract him. The more they scream, the more it goes into their lungs! And we also tag-teamed; Damion held him still and I held the mask.

call me Laura said...

I do remember them telling me the first time around, crying is better because it will get to their lungs. I seriously have sore arms from restraining him, feels like I did 100 pushups Monday! As long as DHS doesn't come knocking at my door for the screaming I guess I will call it good and keep up the fight!