Monday, April 12, 2010

Guest Post: Father Son Day - Lessons Dallas Taught Me

I spent an entire day with Dallas on Sunday, and it's (unfortunately) a really rare thing. We had a great time. Here are a few things I observed about my little guy, and these are lessons everyone can use:

  • If you see something or someone you like, smile and laugh like it's the best thing that's ever happened to you.
  • Snacks are good.
  • If you're doing something that's really fun, keep doing it until it's not (or you get too tired to keep going)
  • The thrill of chasing your 4-wheel push cart downhill always outweighs the terror of it.
  • If you eat something that you don't like the taste of, or it's too hot or cold, just open your mouth and look down. Gravity will solve the problem.
  • If you try really hard to catch your shadow, you can do it.
  • Getting around on something with wheels is way more fun than walking.
  • It is 100% possible to get by in life based on good looks alone. I'm not saying that it's a good plan, but there is no question that it's true.
  • There's not a man on the planet that doesn't look a little bit cooler in a black cowboy hat
Thanks for the great day, Son. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Love, Dad


Lynne said...

ahhh! Dallas looks like he could face off against anyone at high noon! what a fantastic look!

Sarah said...

Great post, Rob!