Monday, April 26, 2010

My husband is awesome!

As of this weekend, my laptop is the photo laptop!!!! On top of that, both laptops and the desktop, aka the work computer are all backed up, and maybe our other desktop too? He did it all with our new Western Digital backup thingy (that is about all I know). Because he did it all!!!!
We ( I mean Rob) always backed up the computer 1x month, but with this new piece of hardware it is so much easier!
I always thought if we ever have a fire, I would get the kids out and safe (and dog), and then go back for the desktop tower, it has every picture from our entire marriage on it, I think it would be the one thing I would go get if I had time. Now it will be much easier to grab our little WD backup thingy, only one cord to disconnect, not the 10 plus that escape the back of the computer. Robert has all of his business documents on the "cloud", we debated going that way too, although eventually it is a tad more expensive. What does everyone else do?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Our Western Digital "thing" (external hard drive) lives in our fire proof safe. So hopefully we need only worry about ourselves because the safe will worry about the photos.