Friday, April 2, 2010

Dallas goes to the hospital

Have any of you read Curious George goes to the Hospital, this tale is nothing like that, as it does not begin or end with eating a puzzle piece, at least one didn't show up on the chest x-ray! (beware - I wrote a lot, mostly as a record of the experience, so we would remember)
This is Dallas after all of the initial poking and prodding ended, he was so tired, and finally settled in for what was a restless nights sleep
The red bandage is where they took blood to run a CBC test, he has Oxygen going into his nose, with the tubes taped to his cheeks, he had leads from his chest monitoring his breathing and heart rate

His one little red sock taped on with the red tape was protecting his Oxygen monitoring sensor which was on his big toe
This picture shows the massive cribs they have!

Feeling better?

Why am I in here and why are you documenting this?

The crib rail comes up halfway and then you can lower down a plastic cover

Standing in my little green gown, pant less

Daddy's shoes made great toys!

I took Dallas to the Dr at 4:00 pm Thursday for an appointment. He had a runny nose, which I attributed to his two new teeth he was cutting, and had developed a cough. The cough went from ordinary to a wheezy, crackly sounding at every breath. Initial diagnosis was ear infection with possible broncheaitis. We did a breathing treatment, checked his Oxygen levels, went to get a chest x-ray, did another breathing treatment, more Oxy level checks, and then determined that over 60 breaths per minute was too many. He was given a shot of steroids, and we were sent to be admitted in the hospital. (this all took 2 hours)
6:00 pm we make it up to the Pediatric floor, all the rooms were full or being cleaned, we waited in the family waiting room. A nurse came to start the check in process then moved us to a temporary treatment room so Dallas could go on Oxygen. While we were being admitted, they did a nasal wash to check for RSV and took blood to check his white blood count. We were given a room and a mini hospital gown, and Emily and Daddy came to visit. Once in the room someone from the respiratory department arrived every 4 hours for a breathing treatment. A nurse gave a shot of antibiotics that burned (rocepherin I think?)
Dallas crashed, he didn't sleep well most of the night, Rob thinks he was confused and maybe having some nightmares.
Dr. Swanson came by to check on him in the morning. The oxygen was turned down to 50% and he ate the kid version of the tremendous twelve. Mid-morning they turned the oxygen off , to try room air. The goal was to watch him while he napped to see how he did. The first nap his level kept dropping below 90, so they turned the 50% oxygen back on. We tried again after lunch to nap without oxygen and from 2:30 - 3:30 Dallas was successful. Dr. Swanson stopped by right at the end of nap to witness it and said we could go home. We were home by 5:20 and he was sleep in his room by 5:55. I am looking forward to seeing how tomorrow goes, as we have fun plans for Sunday. He is not considered contagious, so if things go well I hope to make it to church and out to see family!

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