Wednesday, January 5, 2011

little Noelle and my need for REM sleep

A question for all of you mamma's. Noelle has been waking every 1.5 - 2 hours a night for the last week or so. This is really not working out for me so well. I have read that at four months they go through a little sleep disruption, I guess this might be it.
I feel like I need a new plan of attack. As they say the only consistency is my inconsistency! Do I go to her every 1.5 hour, do I stick her paci back in, do I feed her each time? One of the problems is she seems to be getting out of her swaddle. She often gets at least one arm out if not both, and then bats her head with them, sometimes putting them in her mouth, which I think she does find soothing. I would like to drop the swaddle now or soon, I really don't want to invest in some fancy swaddle garments.
She has never slept through the night nor do I expect her too, although if she did I wouldn't argue. She does usually sleep 3-5 hours the first time being put down and then wake 1 or 2 times a night.

She is a pretty good napper during the day, she has just developed a fairly good morning nap where she will sleep 1.5 hours, and then naps in the afternoon a couple of times.

Soooooo, what to do. I need a plan, and need to stick to it. How do I break the swaddle habit?



Jessica said...

Phin was our swaddler and he liked it tight. :) It was really hard when he got too big to be swaddled. He would startle awake a lot and it was really hard to get him through that but it was worth the effort in the end (after the sleepless nights and learning to let him cry - I swear it's harder on us than it is on them). Hope this helps. It just takes time.

The Deals said...

Let me know when you find the magic sleep trick... at 11 months, Emma is waking up a TON at night and pretty much refuses to sleep in her bed. Cry it out round 3 (or is this 4...) is going to begin tonight. I feel your sleepless pain!!!!