Thursday, January 13, 2011

things that are about lately

- I am loving the faces I get from Dallas when I ask him to shut his eyes, he can even wink! It is some crinkly cute face goodness, that I can't get enough of
- today I had a diet Coke, and it has literally turned my day around
- Noelle is back to a three hour feed and wake sched at night, YEAH!
- Dallas was up all night, kept coming to find me, we figured out at 4:30ish in the morning he had a pooped diaper (such a rariety at night) by then it had burned his skin, no-wonder he couldn't sleep, poor kid. We thought he was repeating last weeks Wed night madness and not sleeping between 1 and 4:00 am (this is why the dc saved my day)
- Emily has been making some fantstic Valentine's Day crafts. Her dollhouse is ready for the holiday. I will have to post a picture, she cut out the hearts perfectly, her fine motor skills have changed so much in the last year.
-we start up ballet again tonight, this session comes with a performance!
-Rob and I are doing the 4 Hour Body diet from Tim Ferris. Can you believe I have not had sugar since Sunday. The first two days were crazy for me, I know I am a sugar junkie, I crave it after every meal, which I really realized this week. The only slip ups I have had are eating fruit, I love fruit, I have had two apples and two banana's, but I haven't slipped up on the white stuff yet, yeah me! Oh and a dc (you are allowed 16 oz of diet soda a day, and I had a small fountain, maybe 12 oz?)
- Rob got new shoes, they are very "Matt Good", love it!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Matt says he's going to need to see a picture of these shoes. ;)He just got some new Pumas & a pair of Allen Edmonds for work.