Tuesday, January 11, 2011

little Noelle at 4 months

Little Noelle had her 4 month well check this morning. It was a relaxing visit, Rob met me at the clinic and played with Dallas and Emily in the reception area. I had plans for them this morning, but they were foiled by the 2 hour delay for the schools.

Noelle is still growing great.
She weighs 13 lbs on the button, and is 23.5" long. I remembered to ask the Dr.'s opinion on what her eye color might end up, his guess was hazel. He said they would probably be brown by this point if they were going to be brown as that is a dominate gene. Although they are blue some days, they are not as light as the siblings, we were going to guess hazel too!

When we got home, I put Noelle to sleep, her appt. was prime napping time. I got Dallas and Emily bundled up in their snow gear and headed out to play/shovel/ride the sled I pulled.
Dallas wouldn't keep his mittens on, and got very cold hands. It was a lot of fun, and we were out for longer than I expected, but getting them dressed and undressed is sure a chore. I am totally wishing for a mud room. There are currently 4 pairs of snow pants, coats, boots, hats and gloves strewn about everywhere, plus dirty snow water on the floor.

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