Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ode to June

The MuscleCar Place have new mics

Emily (with grandma's assistance) made a pop up Birthday card for Robert

Painted face (a first, I think)

Caught Rob taking pictures of the truck while it was shiney, there is a good chance it will be for sale soon

Waiting for Cars 2 to start

Grandpa Dallas Kibbe turned 70

We had our favorite visitors from Delaware, wished you could have stayed longer...convincing them to come back in August
Noelle getting her first taste of ice cream, she first helped herself, then I reluctantly decided to share

The kids first time seeing hot air balloons

They did this a lot

Noelle was a "model" for a boutique tutu dress

the dining room chairs are getting a new look, recovering with khaki microfiber, and going really classy and topping three or four of them with vinyl for kids only seating

Used our Reimen Gardens membership 3 times

We took Grandma to Taki for sushi and a Japanese cooking show for her 60th Birthday

1 comment:

Sharon said...

The pictures are wonderful Laura. Keep them coming.