Monday, July 22, 2019

March 2019

 Robert took the girls to the Father Daughter dance our church hosts. This years theme was "Me and mini-me", and this was our take. It was a inexpensive and a bit cobbled together, but they looked cute and had fun.
 Lots of our meals looked like this during the house selling season of Spring. I think on this particular night we were out because of a showing at dinner time. Robert had miraculously brought home Texas Road House ribs they had brought into his office. We heated them up and had other random things from the fridge and ate it standing at the counter!
 We played lots of games this Spring. We always have a slow time between sports/activities, but the weather is still not great for being outside at night.
 These three wonderful friends are all homeschooled and rock the going to the Middle school for band thing. They played in a trio for Solo and Ensemble contest. L to R, Elena plays basson, Johanna plays tuba and Emily on horn. They played a march at is was so interesting sounding a really great. The judge gave them a perfect score, and of course they coordinated their attire.
 I had some Noelle time at a coffee shop. I believe I just won this hand!
 Costume prep for the play Emily was a dance in this Spring.
 Costume fitting at dance!
My baby, getting her math done with tea and noise canceling headphones.

Iowa State Big XII Basketball in Kansas City

 We were quite indecisive on our Spring Break plans this year. I had booked the dog at the kennel for the entire week hoping we would be able to leave and go some where warm. For a while in February we thought we might need to move that week. We ended up hopping on the band wagon and headed to Kansas City for a long weekend. The great thing about March and Missouri is that we can almost always count on it being sunnier and at least 10 degrees warmer than in Ames, which is great for the soul!
 We went to the ISU pep rally at the Power and Light District. Luckily we ran into some friends!
 Look at us in sweatshirts and no coats!!!!

Iowa State won the tournament. We didn't go to the game, but had fun watching it from the hotel. We mooched off our friends who were staying at the team hotel and waited to greet the team. It was tons of fun. Thanks KC for a good break from Iowa winter.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Emily Bakes

Emily loves to bake. I will likely remember these years as the British Bake Off and Food Network stage. We gifted her a sourdough baking course for Christmas. We have been reaping the benefits. She also loves making pastries and trying new things without recipes. 
 Pain au Belle

 Sourdough bagels formed in the Turkish style (these are amazing with a savory "everything but the bagel type seasoning on top) 

 Every baker looks at the "crumb"
 Second attempt at Macarons, the first attempt was not photo worthy according to the baker
 More bagels
 Sourdough cinnamon buns
And pie made with a friend for Pi day


It is finished! We had three showings before noon on March 11. I was trying to hard to protect our mornings and not allow showings as we get the bulk of our school started and finished in the AM. I knew one of these clients was bringing back his girlfriend and likely liked it enough to do that so I said yes. Then I said yes to two other showings, because at that point why not. 
Our realtor let us know by 4 pm that afternoon that each of the three were offering!


We did some negotiating and ended up accepting an offer. Some of the terms were a generous close date which we liked, and no inspection. Which is crazy to me, but as Robert says means no more money spent here! We celebrated by not making our beds on Tuesday.

Now to find a house, or a rental or land...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Winter 2019

 We got a swing for Christmas, but hung it up in the basement for now. It is very comfortable with a bean bag throw on top. It usually has a kid reading in it, which makes my heart happy.
 Our new Christmas game gifted by Aunt Lynne is such a hit. We play it often, she picks the best games. It is a bit like Ticket to Ride, involves some strategy, but can be played quickly. Our version also came with the expansion pack. Carcassonne 
 Robert gifted me with a real running jacket for Christmas. I feel legit and safe. It is better to run in white than black at 6:30 in the morning.
 Noelle finished another language book
 I ordered 25lb of ground beef from a young entrepreneur in Nebraska that I follow on social media. She was running a special and with shipping it rang in at the same price it would have been at Fareway (not on sale). I was happy to support her. It is also dry aged 60 days and is really yummy!

 Noelle started back at Robert Thomas. She is by far the tallest in her class. I am guessing the oldest as well, as she is an older 2nd grader.
 Dallas started basketball. You can see him shooting in this picture, #25, or the blonde with the long hair. 
 Emily decided to go for a big trim, 8 or so inches gone. She loves it!
 My kids love dog photography, I have so many pictures of Murphy sleeping on my phone. He is very photogenic in this state. 
 Noelle is receiving a girls craft subscription from Grandma Shirlee. This was her first box. The timing was great as she was home sick all that week. 
 January and February has been fairly calm for us besides the house showings. We have had lots of game and family time. Clue is a favorite of Noelle, not Robert or I. Dallas also reveals his cards halfway through the game to speed things up.
 School days....
 Emily helped me send out 100's of letters to Robert's podcast supporters. Stuffing envelops like a pro.
I do love Yahtzee and could play that all day...

Monday, February 11, 2019

House update

We are still selling out house...

4 Beds, 3 Baths, 1531 square feet of awesome!

Extra clean, because it is shown to a perspective buyer on average of every 2.5 days. The cumulative feedback goes something like this
"Shows great, clean.- but wanted a finished basement" "Great backyard, seems like the trees would be expensive to care for" "Great looking house, clean, not the layout we are looking for" "Shows great, clean, love the neighborhood, not the layout we are looking for" "Liked it, clean, not the layout we were hoping for" "Like it, not sure about finishing the basement" "Great house, clients decided on a townhome instead." times 20....

According to our listing is doing GREAT, it has had 88 views and 3 saves in the last 48 hours.

SOMEONE BUY OUR HOUSE, please. Even an offer at this point would sustain me a little longer.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The whirlwind that is December (2018)

 These two kids enjoying the Ankeny mayoral lighting of the tree.
 Sunday night framily dinner
 Our best or worst grinchy faces
 Noelle repeated her role as "Gabriel", she didn't want to learn a new part I guess. She now stands near 8 inches taller than her bestie. Britta is younger by eight months. 
 Dallas reprised his role of "I don't want to be here, in the play but my parents make me", aka a Wise Man. 
 I made the family come to Rieman Gardens with me. I like seeing the holiday train at night, it is Christmasy and festive!
 Can you tell Robert went to the grab last minute groceries He is so much more fun than I am!

 Noelle spent a bunch of December ill. Nine days straight of fevers, some as high as 104. Then well for a couple days, then ill again, stomach pain, then fine. Only symptoms were tummy pain and fever. We went in to get checked out the day she couldn't stand without crying from pain. By the time we saw the doctor she was bounce off the walls and more than normal! I can't wait for the bill, he requested urine, abdominal x-rays, and strep test.... All checked out fine. My neighbor thinks it could be a gluten issue.  As always, I am glad we have access to such great care, glad I can rule out appendicitis, and even with our "not insurance" we can afford to go when we need too. Robert and I are making guesses on the bill, I am going to guess $760.00, feel free to leave your guess in the comments.
 We also celebrate this studs birthday in December. Ten years old and he is an amazing kid.
 He had a friend over for lunch (school-day) and requested Jimmy Johns, and then I let them play Madden on the PS3 for 1 hour (again school-day) so that was extra birthday fun.
 We, (Robert and Lynne) pulled 8 batches of taffy this year for the Perfect Gift Event at church, each and everyone of the 48 pounds of candy was eaten!!!
 Noelle visited the photo booth at the Perfect Gift (many times), it was a neat, new addition this year. 
 I took Dallas on a gift buying date for his dad and siblings. Robert usually does this activity and again is fun and buys the kids a special drink, so I had too as well.
 I took this gal for the same gift buying experience!
 Another view of a sick day
 Library views
 Robert has been sending cards out to Patreon supporters. I was the elf and assembled and mailed all 50. We have another 50 cards to send this week!
 The kids made this all by themselves. I shut myself in my room.... please remind me to buy three separate kits next year. 
 Handsome dog, not eating the tree or anything under it