Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 3 PT boot camp

Not much was accomplished today in the PT department. I had a an appointment this morning. Em went on the potty after her morning juice. We put on a Dora pull-up (free sample from Pampers) and went out. Afterward we headed to a friends to discuss a church project. We tried to go potty there a couple of times, they had a nice step stool so Em could wash hands fairly independently (this was a huge attraction). Many times she requested, I was pretty sure she just wanted to wash hands, but I can't turn down a request now that I want her to ask! No success in the potty. After nap we went back to undies, we had several misses this afternoon, mostly because we were not fast enough to get there!
*New progress has been noted though... when wearing a diaper she will do the little potty dance, get nervous and tell us she needs to go.

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