Monday, March 15, 2010

lists and to dos....

I am really in the mood to Spring clean. It seems futile with the extra dog we have here this week. Today I was hoping to wipe all the baseboards and clean the ceiling fans and catch some cobwebs, but the elusive dog hair x2 will just have to be cleaned out this weekend. It doesn't help matters that our backyard is a sponge, so keeping the dogs outside for a time isn't really a break! I just might get to have the carpets cleaned after this spring is over.

The kids are doing well, they are enjoying the nice weather. Dallas walked up and down the sidewalk with me yesterday with his little push toy. I need to get him some outside shoes pronto! Emily got out her big wheel trike and was delight to see that her feet touched the pedals. She has never had much interest in riding bikes, perhaps it was because her legs were always too short!

Robert put away the Christmas lights yesterday and blew the sand out of the garage. We have green grass in the front and back yards, and lots of missing grass in our parking areas. Do you think the city of Ames will come replace all of the grass they plowed away trying to plow snow. I know if grass is not laid/seeded pronto, the bare spots will be overtaken with weeds.

I miss having tulips in my yard. When we work on the landscaping for the backyard this year, I will "need" to put in some Spring plants, for my sanity. Nothing is nicer than seeing little green tips break through the ground.

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