Friday, March 19, 2010

one, two, three, Oh baby

Three is a nice number, don't you think? We think so, Kibbe #3 is on it's way.

I am 15 weeks pregnant. We heard the heartbeat, on Thursday, a nice stead 160 bpm! The midwife found it right away, which is always a relief, I remember it taking a while with Dallas, there is a tad bit of anxiety that goes with waiting to hear that heartbeat for the first time. She put the "due date" at Sept 11, using our conception date, we are missing some information on my cycle that could give us a more precise date, but I am not too worried about that, babies come when they come.
The midwife also offered us an earlier ultrasound so we could pinpoint the age, but again, I am not too worried, especially if she is not worried, she felt like I was at 15 wk, and that is what we were figuring as well. She broke the news to us that she was no longer going to be on call to deliver. She delivered Emily and I just love her and her bedside manner. All in all there is only a 1 in 4 chance I would get her at delivery again, but she will be missed. I think I will still go to her for some appointments, as well as try to get to know the new Midwife on staff since I had Dallas, that way we are comfortable with everyone.
My next appointment will be in a month and will be the ultrasound appointment, Chelsey is dying for us to find out the sex, but we are leaning towards not knowing.


Destri Andorf said...

OMG..... CONGRATS!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! so happy for you!!! I think it's a she!! :) that's my first feeling when I read your blog.

Congrats again!!

Beth said...

Horray! Glad everything went well at the first appointment!

The Deals said...

Congrats!!! How exciting! How have you been feeling? Hope you haven't been too sick and the rest of the pregnancy goes well.

call me Laura said...

Destri -thanks, Rob and I both come from family's of girl, boy, then girl. And I have wanted alot of the same foods when I was carrying Em, we'll have to wait and see!

Jessica said...

Congratulations!! Hope you're feeling well.

Nichole Musselman said...

Congratulations to you and Rob!