Monday, September 13, 2010

The first few days

Noelle has now been home for three days, what a whirl-wind. In many ways it seems normal.
We were blessed to have Mom and Dan watch the kids while in the hospital. They stayed to watch the game with us and then headed home. Since I am mostly an introvert, I love these moments to myself, but I am grateful she is coming back this week. We are really cared through our church family and I have meals coming throughout the month. My plan is to sleep as much as possible while she is here, to store up a good nap-bank. Rob unfortunately has to head back to work sooner than he would like, I am thankful that he is not off to Germany, like his boss had requested. Having him back at the house by 5:30 is better than nothing.

Emily is adjusting rather well. She seems really tired, she doesn't take an afternoon nap much at all these days. Today she fell asleep on the the 3 minute ride home from Fareway, and I saw her nodding off the other day while she was sitting on the couch playing with Grandma. She loves to hold Noelle or "baby", she forgets her name sometimes. Emily really wants to dress her, we had a couple of fits about that, and how she could pick out the outfit, but I would be the one to put things over her head and such.

Dallas seems to be taking things a little harder. He doesn't seem to care about Noelle much, but he has become super clingy to Rob. He is a rockstar at throwing fits when Rob leaves, or he doesn't get to go outside, or he has to sit at the table, or he can't have the toy Em has, or he has to stop hitting one of us.... I know we are just entering that almost two stage, which is a big adjustment, Emily gave us a run for our money about 22 months as well. I try to give him individual attention, and Emily lots of praise for being a great big sister.

Noelle spends her days eating and sleeping. She left the hospital weighing 7lb 3 oz and today weighed 7lb 8 oz. The Dr. told me I do not have to wake her up to fed her, she sometimes sleeps longer than 3 hours at a time. She does cross her eyes a little more than Emily or Dallas did, but this is common and they figure out they don't have to see things double by about one month of age and stop doing it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was going to call to check on you but you pretty much answered all my questions about meals, sleep, and help. Call if you need anything.