Wednesday, February 2, 2011

these are the days...

We have changed our schedule around the last month. I have been working out early in the morning. Rob and I are both aiming to be done with exercise by 8:00 am. This works out most mornings. Since we have been doing this, we dropped the kid membership at the gym. I think the kids loved going and playing there, but I was starting to feel like our time could be better spent.
1. Noelle really likes sleeping at home, and as she gets older, sleeps less and less when we are out and about

2. I know they try hard, but I do think it is germie place. They probably don't enforce the sick rules as well as a full blown daycare
3. Round trip from the moment I decided it is
time to go, it takes 2-3 hours, while I might only get 45 min of cardio done.
4. They don't change diapers or nurse my baby, so even when I am working out the nursery workers can come and grab me to do either of these.
We have found more time for naps, schooling, play dates and projects by staying around the house.

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