Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who enjoyed today's weather? We were riding bikes outside by 8:30. It was already 50 degrees when I came back from the gym early this morning! Have to savour this weather, I am looking forward to the cold and snow again. Frozen ground makes less of a mess for Bo! Having no snow in the backyard did allow me to pick up dog poo.

Dallas has been spending a lot of his day in time out. The last couple of days he made multiple trips before breakfast. Yesterday I overheard him putting his cars in timeout!

Emily is super proud to have lost a tooth. The tooth fairy visited and left her $1. She is pretty sure the tooth fairy has wings, is a girl, and tiptoes.

Noelle is super-duper smiley these days. She is showing less signs of being tired since she prefers to smile. I need to get her some food soon, as I want her to have tried a little oatmeal before we go to the 6 mo appt, just in case we have issues, I can ask questions.

Robert is really busy. Self employment takes 31 hours a day, he also likes to sleep at least 5 hours, so he is pretty tired these days. He loves his days, and is happy, a tired kind of happy.

Thursday nights are ballet nights. The girls head for ballet class, Em gets to see her friends and I get to see my friends (the mom's). Rob gets to stay home and do guys things like play cars, and put them in timeout.

We made our annual trek to Hickory Park for our Valentines meal. I am fairly sure we were done eating and headed towards home a good four hours before we were even seated to eat on that epic first date. I guess life is circular, having kids makes you eat early with the grey hairs. The kids did get many cutes, and oogles from all of the senior citizens eating at 4:30 with us. Dallas even put on a rousing game of peek a boo, he was very entertaining, for the next booth over.

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