Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dreading Friday

Normally I can't wait for Friday, but this is going to be a tough one. 

Rob is leaving with Greg and the Chevelle. And that is what I am worried about.  We will survive without Rob/dad.  I seem to fill the days and find fun things for us to do to take our minds off missing him.  I am concerned about the Chevelle leaving.  It has been in our garage five days so far and Dallas has begged me to lift him up to the window to see "daddy's Chevelle" hundreds of times.  Fits insue if I don't indulge him.   The conversations coming and going from the house revolve around the "white Chevlle, say goodbye to the Chevelle, that's daddy's Chevelle, and a little mommy's van" thrown in to even things out.  I think this kid might fall apart.  The guys are thinking of leaving pretty early, early enough that Dallas won't be up to see them off.  The car might be loaded on the trailer Thursday night, so we will see what he thinks about that.  If he was older, and had the stamina, I would suggest that he go with them.  But 12 plus hours a day strapped into a 5pt harness is probably not the best vacation for a 2 year old. 

While you can follow TMCP and facebook for the journey to New Mexico.  Stay tuned here for a screaming 2 year old, missing his friend.

The separation went well.  Dallas was up at the crack of dawn, so he had time to say good morning to Uncle Greg, and see the Chevelle on the trailer, hooked up to Greg's truck.  There was also snow, good think Rob decided not to load it the night before.  We spent a little time at the window saying goodbye, and the guys went to the end of the block to turn around and drive back by so we would have one last look.  I have shown Dallas a couple of pictures of the car along the way that Rob has sent me.  Now when we leave and come back to the house and the garage goes up he talks about daddy's truck, and the Chevelle getting fixed. 

Yesterday we ran out to Target to get some diapers for the little girl.  Our Target has just been remodeled, everything it turned around inside, so we had a good look-see at everything.  Last night was a rough night.  Dallas was up several times, I think he was on the verge of having a croupy cough.  He is running a little fever today.  Noelle is back to sleeping poorly.  I had almost a week of niceness, putting her down at 6:00 pm, feeding her at 10:30 and 3:00 am or just 1:00 am.  The last two nights have been down at 6:00, cry at 8:00, cry at 11:00, cry at 1:30, sleep until 5:00 am.  Last night I let her cry for 40 minutes until 2:10am.  I am tired!  I actually got a coffee on our donut run this morning.  I asked for decaf, as even that effects me with the little caffeine it contains, I think they forgot and gave me regular, because I currently don't feel tired.  After our donut run we headed out to Theisen's to check out the baby chicks and ducks!  Emily and I think that the sandbox might be a good place for a duck, we just need to add some water.

1 comment:

Shirlee said...

can you talk to Dallas about the Chevelle going on a trip to the Doctor? He might understand that. Also maybe dad can send him a picture of each potty stop so he can see dad didn't give the car away? Good luck!