Monday, October 22, 2012

life with an extra serving of crap

Sorry things have been a little sparse around here.  I have dreaded writing this post, but I feel I need to because the last two weeks have greatly altered our life path.  A couple of Tuesdays ago our dear friend Scotty ended his life. 

Scott and Sara have been our family for years.  We have had so many good times with them college - drumline - football, living near them for the first carefree years of our marriage in MN, wedding and babies, and really  staying close with them once we moved to Iowa, visiting often.  They are friends you can just pick up with exactly where you left off.  They are family, and that is why our last weeks have been slow, blurred, fast, emotional, crazy, very sad, and very very thankful. 

I am so thankful that Rob and I are secure in our walk with Jesus and  that we have a church family that has just wrapped their arms around us this month.  Friends watched our kids, watched our house, watched our dog, friends offered to come from other towns to stay at our house with our kids, we are really loved!  It has helped us love Sara and her boys.  And that's where we are these days, praying and loving on Sara, Christopher and Ben, not to mention Sara's parents, Scott's parents and his sister and family.  We know all of these people well, and we are praying for healing, faith, hope, assurance, comfort, and peace. 


-jjk said...

Lifting all of you up in prayer who have been affected by this loss. I wish there was something I could do, but know that I am praying for all of you.

Jen K.

-jjk said...

Lifting all of you up in prayer who have been affected by this loss. I am so sorry and I wish there was something I could do, but please know that you are all in my prayers.

Jen K.