Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Petitioning prayers for our dog Bo, after the week we have had, I need him to pull through!

He probably has Canine Blastomycosis (awaiting a secondary confirmation from ISU today), the vet is supposed to call back today to discuss treatment options.  It is in his lungs, and he also has 10-15 open sores, limping and seems to be in pain.  We are trying to treat the pain, but those drugs kind of knock him out. 

Plus Noelle is sick, her cough is strong enough that she coughs up snot and whatever she last ate.  We are on outfit #2 already! 

ETA: Bo does have Blastomycosis.  We have a weeks worth of meds to try, Rob and I need to make some decisions on how to treat this long term, ie. do we go with the expensive or cheaper option.  Bo still seems to be in quite a bit of pain, we have been doing the max amount of pain medication, so lets hope this anti-fungal kicks in soon. 

Noelle is responding pretty well to the breathing treatments I have been giving her.  Hope we can knock this down quickly!

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