Thursday, June 25, 2009

the stuff that goes on while stuff is going on

I posted about our goings on, but this is what has been really going on.

About two weeks ago, I was really frustrated with the lack of potty training progress. Mostly I was feeling like a failure parent about not being able to help Em with her "pooping" issues. Robert and I talked and we decided to up the ante. We went full out, 1 capful of Mirolax per day and no diapers except overnight, all of this with the idea of getting her to poop in the toilet at least once/day. Monday and Tuesday were a complete struggle, Emily is really stubborn, everyone says it is that red hair. Wednesday we sort of turned the corner. And I am scared to say it a loud because I don't want to jinx it, but this week she tells me she has to poop, we go, and she poops. This week we have started decreasing the Mirolax, so lets pray that we don't do it to abruptly and she still gets the hang of it with less. We have had one pee accident during nap in the last 13 days, previously I always let her wear a diaper to nap. I think we will stick with the diaper overnight for a while, with how full it is in the morning I don't think she quite has the control. In summary, I am thrilled, YEAH!
She is becoming such a little lady, she says little grown up things, talks all the time about turning three and getting to eat a chocolate cake. We have been talking about giving up the "ba ba" or paci when she turns three.

Dallas is also keeping up with his sister. He has tried and liked all of the following, avocado, pears, peaches, green beans, and prunes. He has liked all but peas, but I wonder if the texture was a little to thick, I don't think I pureed them well enough. He sits up really well and only topples over once or twice a day, especially after I tell people he is sitting up. He really loves to bounce in his exersaucer, Emily will bounce towards him, and he will bounce and giggle along with her.
He is still taking three naps a day. He wakes in between 6:00 and 7:00 nurses, has breakfast of oatmeal and something with Em around 8:00, he usually naps from 9:00 to 10:00, another 12:00-2:00, and then a third hour long nap before dinner. He usually has a little bit of whatever puree he is trying for dinner. He likes to sit at the table with us, he smiles a ton when we sing our prayer. It seems like 2 hours is about the max he likes to be awake. I am still wishing for him to sleep through the night, I would love to get more than 4 hours of sleep in a row.
Bo is doing well, he doesn't like the hot weather that much. His favorite temperature seems to be about 30 degrees, he is shedding everywhere. That has reminded me that I still haven't purchased a vacuum yet!
We have trim around our new windows as of Wednesday. I am blogging now, waiting for my nail putty fill to dry so I can go prime the wood next. Dallas is back in the guest room while I get this finished up and Robert hangs the blinds again.
I have also started to tackle our room. I am stripping wallpaper from our bathroom, I painted the vanity cabinet white, and trying to pick new bedding so I can get a paint color for the walls in the bedroom and bathroom. It seems that everyone says it is easier to find bedding you like and pick a color from there, than find a wall color and then find matching bedding.

hope you enjoyed my novella

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sounds like you've been busy!! Potty training is super hard. We finally got Asher out of night-time his request. So, I think we're done with him! Yeah.

Oh, the cake in the last post looks delicious!